Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Think of that wooden bridge

이전은 몇 년 동안 집안으로 이동하지만, 여가 시간되어 있지만, 항상 도움을하지만 마지막 다리를 생각합니다. 내 어린 시절의 꿈, 상징과 같은 의미에서 높이 목조 다리.그런 다음, 멀리 내 집 앞에있다 "창 뱅,"조용히 흐르는 강물라는 상단에 걸쳐 작은 목조 다리는 북쪽과 남쪽을 연결있다 마을 넥타이.여름, 출산, 리드 녹색에서 강변 식물. 파트너,이 여름의 더위를 견딜 수없는 수영과 샤워 시설이 강가에왔다. 좋은 공연 하나가 다리가 시작부터입니다. 우리 모두가 리듬 떨고시킨이 목조 다리 모두 더러워 발자취를 다리에 갔다.
"해제 물"닉네임 "을 좋아, 내 처음에는 모두들 봐. 그것을 뛰어"다이빙 용기도 제기의 전형적인 작은 홍위병 리기 전에 엘더 오빠가, 흥분 외쳤다 다음, 다리 아래가 큰소리로 으르렁 홉, 그냥 전체 사람들과 시작가 갑자기 깊은 수중으로 침몰, 스플래시 들어봐. 반 잠시 후, 하천의 머리 옆구리가 등장할보고하고, 다음 모두 격렬하게 환호에 미친 파열했다. 높은 노트와 그가 우리에게 손을 흔들었다, 의기 양양하게 해안에 올랐다.
헤드 성능이 완료되면, 모두가 물 점프 재미있는 위치의 스펙트럼을 향해 돌진, 그냥 연이어 풍덩 한 churning 물, 파도, 분주한 들어. 비록 나의 겁많은, 다리 아래에 밀려 물 몇 타액에 숨막혀되었습니다 모두에게 가난한 물, 그는 동료의 종류가 받침대와 해안로 이동 incurs. 다이빙 후, 수영 뒤에, 그것은 물론, 말할 필요 없지 원 보스 '플라잉 물 "입니다. 일몰까지, 석양 반짝 붉은 사람의 얼굴만이 먼 마을 어른 사운드의 긴급 연락이왔다.
묘지가 빽빽한 갈대를 가지고 다리의 끝에서. 종종 밤에 과거에 묻힌 조상의 몇 세대가 사람 먹는 귀신 밖으로, 그 이전의 미신 들어요. 하루 동안, 굵은 파트너 컬렉션 놀이 다지 큰 관심도하지만, 밤에는, 심지어 가장 대담한 어른이 통과을 대담하게하지 않았다. 또한 고려, 깊은 밤, 그래서 분위기가 점점 어두운 공포되고 사람들의 오래된 소문의 확신, 산불 굽기가 기절 sparking, 수시로 볼 수있었습니다. 우리가 알기도 전에, 화학의 학습 후 그것에만 자발적인 현상이다.
시간이 지남에로, 나무 다리는 정상적인 유지 보수, 결국 나이 아니 그 이상 청소년과 유연성을 필요가 없습니다. 홀로 우드 부패의 형성을 통해, 다리에 산책하면 다리 아래에있는 물을 볼 수있는 사람들은 신중한되며,이 단계에 떨어질 수있는 갑판에 구멍이 무서워했습니다. 이것은 제 파트너 중 하나 강물에 빠진이지만, 다행히 물을 수 있지만, 물에 빠진 새​​앙쥐가 된 사람.
포동 그냥 새로운 다리가 나무 다리 옆에 건설 후 강에서 새로운 도로를 복구 시작 물결의 발달과 함께 때맞춰. 고령자의 젊은 활기 차고, 젊고 직선, 그리고 높이의 목조 다리로 다리, 천천히 죽는 등 냉담한 : 그래서 대조 그림이 있습니다. 고밀도 리드 묘지 자연 조각 커버 또한 새로운 도로이며, 더 이상 어떤 흔적을 볼 수 없습니다.
세기의 턴, 우리 마을의 토지, 그래서 우리는 멀리 재배치 주택의 마을에서 이동되었습니다. 멀리 농촌 토지에서, 재미 없어, 오랜 시간 동안 철강과 콘크리트, 사람들이 우울증이 된 지구에있어. 농촌 지역의 사람 간의 상호 작용 아주 자연스럽게 조화와, 약간의 구역과 냉정하지 않았다. 변덕은 다시 볼 수 장소의 원래 작은 마을로, 원래의 건물에있는 제품도 하늘로 바로하는 주택 가격에 세워진되었습니다 싶지 않아, 전 마을의 모습을 찾을 수 없습니다. 위대한 변화를 슬픔, 내 마음이 그것을보고 : 어떤 것들은 다시 그것을 잃지 마십시오.
아, 항상 높이 목조 다리의 생각, 다리 파트너가 날 정말 평온한 웃음의 생각, 마음을 진정되며, 장면이 못된 아이 놀이 물을 생각합니다. 예,하지만 항상 뭔가를 잃게했지만 몇 가지는 매우 가치있는 남아있을 것입니다한다는 것을 알았습니다.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Over to listen to

"운명"을 듣고 도로 매일에 주변이 시간이 끝이 끝까지 들어봐, Fanlaifuqu 같은 노래들을 수 있습니다.의 프레 젠 테이션과 매력의 충격은 더 노래 너무 성능과 생존에 완고한이 아름다운 삶이 너무 자랑 Yishou 나 때문에 비극을 사용할 수 없습니다 있습니다. 베토벤 자신이 인후 어의 운명에 살고 싶다고 했잖아! 예, 그가 한, 그것이 얼마나 중요 청각 작곡가! 그러나 조금씩 자기 조용한 생활에서 정상적인 Tingjuelingmin, 귀머거리 같은 토큰보다 시각 청각 자신의 소중한 의미를 잃었지만, 너무 많은 목소리 Sisha했습니다! 그의 인생은 경험은 수세기 동안이 세계 음악 자신감과 용기를주는 혼동 사람 숫자를 장려하기 위해 일반 사람의 운명 끝났습니다! 각 사람의 경험의 삶과 운명은 서로 다른, 그리고 베토벤 있지만,이 모든 코너를 가서 각 사람의 생각에 대한 통찰력, 나는 이상 듣고 다시, 듣고 따라 들어.해머는 챕터의 시작이며, 그것이 문 두드리는 운명의 목소리이며, 갑자기 사람들이 목조 문, 목조 문 침식 년 수영장이 충격되었다는 폭풍 같은 연약한 Cuican 늙은 같은 공포, 강한 리듬을, 어떻게해야할지 무너져가는하지만, 충돌의 포효가 세분화로 등장하는 얇은 볼트가 입고, 그것이 거의 경적에 전쟁을 유지할 수없는 소리! 그런 다음 부드러운 음악과 아버지의 지원과 같은, 내부 가르침뿐만 아니라 친구, 선생님, 화창한 조금 멋진 추억을, 스윙, 그 권장하는 가정, 아내와 어머니와 같은 타악기를 업로드 상쾌한 키를 열려 숲, 스트림의 동요 우승에 자신감을 높이기 위해 희망을주는있다. 집안의 희망, 그리고 단도직입의 전체 수준 밖에 방법이 항상있다 일상적인 것처럼 그리고 확실히, 거기에 급하게, 리듬을 중단하지 않으며 만들어 적이 있으며, 혼란과 항상있다, 때로는 밝고, 경솔 때 표면 브리 스크, 때때로 쑤 쑤 가끔 하 때로는 바쁜 Diao Diao는, 때로는 하드 때로는 슬프고 때로는 고통, 사람들은 세계에 있지만, 전혀 말굽 같은 리듬없이! 크레센도, 크레센도는 전쟁터에서 전사처럼 자신의 상대를 과소 평가하지 알고, 인생은 침착 목구멍과 인상의 운명은, 칼을 들고, 심각하게, 드레스 리허설도 알잖아요! 검에 적이 너머로 공격하는 것입니다, 그는 운명의 맹위에 대한 그의 삶의 능력과 함께 자신의 방패를 제기하지! 빠른 어조는 리듬 년간 손을 떼다 절대 전쟁 시간이 삶과 죽음의 절대 얘기하면 안돼, 전쟁은 계속된다! 연주 멜로디 급선회, 터치와 소리가 무시, 사람들이 약간 유예와 무료의 사랑, 연인의 주소서, 풍경, 꽃, 달있다 방법뿐만 아니라 아름답고 슬픈 생각, 약간의 뒷맛있었습니다. 곧, 리듬은, 사람의 마음에 노크를 잔인하고 결국 목숨을 걸고, 결국 용감한 전사 어두운 많이 첨부 파도의 물결을 가열 있으며, 피 묻은 셔츠는 울리는의 조각으로 찢어진되었습니다 그러머은 신체의 운명에 탔어요! 아 머리를 두드리는을해야할지에 대해, 그 목구멍에 살고! 그런 끝까지 철분 등 감기 상처 전사의 승리를 봤어!인생은 어렵 난 이사는 정복의 운명을 칭찬! 명 한 교차로에서 생활하면, 완전히 자신의 다리 주위를 정말 아니라, 계절처럼 모든 트랙, 전환 여러분 Ruobu 신화의 준비, 절망 투쟁을하지 않습니다, 그렇게해야 용기는 당신이 자신감을 가지고, 더 중요한 것은, 당신은 정의가 있어야합니다!

Louis Vuitton handbags In the past

두 이순신 한 Chuang, 창 간헐 조명 비를 찾고. 생각은 과거에 아주 멀리 떠내려.
모든 먼지가 과거의 마음은, 퀀처럼 같은 마음에 와서. 이 모든 이야기에서, 당신은 유일한 주인공입니다.
우리가 그렇게 바보 같은 계절에 로맨틱 카다몬, 운명은 우리가 만나서하게는, 당신은 내 마음에 살고 때. 사랑은 벗어날 수없는 하루 밤을 지낼에, 그래서 그것도이 삶이 더 행복하다 주변에 당신처럼 오래 Haijiaotianya,에, 당신을 따라 생각, 당신을 너무도 사랑 깊은있다.
몇년이 흘러가는 시간 러시가 죽고, 우리는 성장했지만 아직에만 공유 정보가 마음에 숨겨진 때, 아마도 우리 모두가 매우 고집이 여러분 있으며, 실제로 이것은 애정 고백 수 없습니다! 모든 만남은, 조용히 눈을 걱정, 나는 깊은 우정의 공유를 볼 수 있지만, 나는이 끝날 때까지, 당신의 라이프 경로의 운명은 사람의 옆구리에 잠겨, 결정하기 위해 충분하지 바보 였어.
밤 시간의 한가운데는 항상 좋은 기억하면, 부드러움의 약간. 마음이 아프 때 눈물이 차고, 그러나 당신은 여전히​​ 내 기억을 부담하지 않습니다.louis vuitton luggage
모르겠어요, 한번은 기억되기 위해 선서를 풍화가? 난 가끔 당신의 꿈에 나타납니다? 때 슬픈 내가 울고 때, 당신은 아직 내가 고민 느낄 것인가?
지금은 단지 고급되기 위해 너무 많은 좋은 소망이 있습니다. 좌절하지만 언제 슬픈 난 아직도 기억,하지만 난 단지 청취자 수 있습니다. 마음의 사랑이 변경되지 않은 있지만, 그러나 당신은 결국 더 이상 내 소유하지 않습니다. 네 인생에서, 나는 여행자되었다.
눈물이 공유 조각 감상 생각되고있다 바람에 바람에 의해 운반 때.
비 드리프트, 의견, 지속적인,하지만 마음이 멋진 내 생각 것처럼.
갑자기 20 년지나, 가끔 잊고 싶어하지만, 가장 깊은 추억이되어 잊고 열심히. 우리가 잊지 수 없기 때문에, 당신과 함께 기억하자!
생명을 사랑 항상 왜 한번에 너무 깊은 감정을 이해하지 못했습니다, 그리고 마지막으로 먼지가 과거가 된, 나를 위해, 슬픈 일이 될 수 있습니다!
생명을 사랑 손에, 그 다음 인생, 우리가주기에 다시 만남, 그럼, 난 당신에게 말할 것이다하.
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The youth of the precious memory

요한은 시장 여전히 평화, 시간의 흐름입니다. 아웃 사랑의 청소년의 아무것도 아니지만 네트워크를 사랑하지 않습니다. 오늘의 삶, 어제는 조금 슬픈가?가 한번 너무 많은 소중한 추억이 어린했지만, 시간이 지출로, 어떻게 남아있는 것은 아무것도 아니지만 위선 얼굴, 그리고 낭만적인 사랑 줄다리기 떫은 분위기입니다, 그들은 덜 터치의 온도보다 이미 있습니다. 지금 현실에서 싸웠다했다, 저속한 차가운으로 덮여 전신을 열고 눈을 여전히 사랑하지만, 항상 깨어.옥상 테라스, 댄스에 서서 다시 찾고, 여자들이 진짜로, 몇 가지, 더 자주 감사의 일정한 거리를 유지하고, 따라서 사랑의 결론에 도달하는 데 사용되는 것은 단지 투자 한 번 감상할 수 있습니다 사랑 그것은 신체적 정신적 마모 눈물뿐만 아니라이고,도 결국은 자기도 슬프는 실제로, 나가 손실됩니다! 사랑의 얼굴, 사람들은 항상 감정지만, 맹인 있습니다.welblog-lily blogspot blog사랑은 물론 피로 요소를 포함 아픈 것입니다 파열, 매우 불안 정한 감정 치료입니다. 하지만 더 중요한 것은, 세상의 사랑은 아무도 우리가 진정한 사랑의 추구 그의 인생 전부 가난한 정체는 없기 때문에 그것은 좋아하는 많은 사람들이 실행되지만, 우리는 단계에서, 오직 서로하지 않습니다 알고 단계에서 떨어져 살, 사랑의 경우이 모든 일을 자연스럽게 와서, 서로를 식별할 수있는 큰 무리가 오래된 파트너 Xiangxie입니까? 그럼, 사랑, 사랑, 사랑 거리에 세련된 도보하시기​​ 바랍니다, 그래서 다시 만날 때, 적어도 당신은 좋은 친구를 할 수 얽혀 버린되지 않을 것임을하지를 사용하십시오.피사체가 상관 없다면 이유는 왜 이렇게 우리가 거​​리 밖에서 서서 때 사랑, 한 가지 방법을 단지 보여주기, 다시 만나고, 사랑 사랑, 사랑은 어떻게 하나, 얼굴과 헤어지는를 볼 수 있습니다 문제의 클래스의 재결합은 조용한 더 것입니다. 사랑은, 그것에 대한 지속적인 검색을 의미하고 프로세스를 충족, 좋아, 같이, 아니, 그것이 분리 불가피하다고 생각, 자연스럽게 예전의 재회를 포함, 별도, 만나, 다음 문제를 충족하고, 여기에 다시 만나게됩니다 연인.사랑이 사랑의 단일 mindedness있다지만,이 사회에서,이 프로젝트가되면, 순간을 깨고, 바람이 둘은 서로 함께 사라지고 더 많은 부상과 파열 불쌍해, 좌회전 도시 그렇게 말을하기 전에 "내가. 당신을보고 다시 당신을 절대 싫어"또는 침착하게 "안녕!"아니면 서로 여기에 "나는 당신의 진정한 사랑도 잘합니다. 찾길 바래"소원 난 당신이, 결국, 힘든 사랑의 것을 잘라 싫어 사실 증오는 말 하긴 싫지만, 결코 다시는 사실 다시 만나고 싶어하십니다 것을, 당신이 떠나보고, 조용히 작별 인사를 그렇게 자주있다 태도는 볼 수 없다 참고하고, 서로 더 나은 삶을 기원하고, 다소 미안하고 슬프지만 아무리 그래, 결국, 사랑은 말한 적이 있다고 단락, 동창회, 또는 다른 전적으로 주목으로 종료하지 않는 한.세계도 아주 작은이고, 실수로, 전 사랑하는 옛 애인을 충족되지만, 증상이 자주 좋다지만, 재결합은되지 않습니다 나타났습니다. 전례없는 참신과 로맨스와 미스터리, 대부분 전체의 징후를 보여주었다, 동창회 안으로 다소 오래된 원한입니다. 옛 사랑을 만나, 그 분노 가득했습니다, 그건 미지근한 인사말이 통과 될 아니었 일부 진정 얼굴은 다른 사람들이 다시 한번 연인이 될 수도 있지만, 아주 좋은 친구가되었다지만, 어쨌든 이것은 조성의 중간을 부끄럽게했다.사실, 이들은 옛 애인을 얼굴, 사랑을 얼굴을 초연 마음에 표시된 표지판과 같은 수있는 경우, 약물을 사랑하는 사람입니다. 일부는 최종 결과, 그들은 나를 사랑하지 않을 수 다치게하지 않아,이 아무런 수익을 지불하지 않을 것을 많은 느낌을 지불하는 시간을 사랑 말할 수 있을까요? 경우 재결합 시간과 어떻게 안심 수 모두에서, 그것이 필연적으로 헤어질 후 마음에 어떤 행복의 동기가 이미 잘못된 사랑, 이러한 사고를 들고, 항상 숨겨진 싫어? 사랑은 요청하지, 사랑은 자발적인 것입니다, 당신이 당신을 사랑하는 사람을 사랑한다면, 스스로가 행복의 종류에 따라 수 있도록 서로의 사랑에 행복, 당신이 행복하게됩니다 묻지 말아요, 순수한 사랑의 아무것도 필요 없어 대부분 끝부분을 분리하는,이 두 요소하지 않으면 의미,이, 지속하실 수 있습니다. 거기에는 행복은없고, 그 때문에 휴식가이기 때문에 그것의 지점에 지점, 반대편은 영혼의 동반자 아니,뿐만 아니라 그들이 다시 만날 때 더 이상 많이 완화, 그래서 탱글 필요합니다.당신이 자주 만족하지 않는 경우 두 사람이 헤어지는 후, 세계를 위해 자신의 검색, 연락처를 잃어, 그것은 없다 다른, 그리고 passers별로, passers별로 때문에, 그래서 두 사람은 다시 만날 때 첫 번째 회의는 동일에 있지 그. 방황은 다시 만나 각각의 기간 후에, 아직도 행복하지만, 아무것도 당혹 친구가 될 수 수도 있고, 서로 감정이있다면 당신은 다시 연인이 될 수 있습니다. 무시 또는 친척 침묵하지, 증오, 그의 옛 애인을 미워하지 말고, 과거는 과거이고, 왜 안 그것을 조금도 그것이 더 이상 사랑 수 없습니다 지금은 아니다, 그렇지 않으면 그들은 신경 및 순진한 것하지 않습니다, 다시 만날 최소한도 다른 사람이 진행하면, 자신의 진행 상황을보고 다른 면을 보자.예를 들어 자신을 가지고, 그는 한때 그녀는 남자 친구를 가지고 있지만, 우리의 우정에 영향을주지 않습니다하지만 우리는 여전히 좋은 친구 지금 사랑하는 아이가 있었는데, 그녀는 그녀의 남자 친구를 사랑 내가 자연스럽게 투쟁하지만, 처음 만났을 때 그것 때문에 공통 관심사가 있기 때문에 우리는 여전히 아마, 아무것도 얘기하지 않습니다. 내 마음이 아직도 그녀에게 숨겨진 사랑하지만, 그녀는 알았지만, 사랑이 그녀의 행복을 빌게하고, 간격 아무것도하고 싶지 않아요 단지 너무 행복합니다. 그녀는 내 앞에 완고한 수 있습니다 그것은 창피한 게 중요하지 않습니다. 우리가 가장 간단하고 순수한 느낌을 소중히하기 때문에 그들이 아니었 함께 서로에 대한, 우리가 Chuxian시만큼 좋답 수 있기 때문에하지 않습니다. 에 대한 우정과 사랑 이상의 감정.shuaiszw blogspot blog사랑 보울은 한 번, 과거가 아닌 우리의 인생만을 대표 종식 이후 우리가 당신을 기다리고 사람들이있다 믿을 앞에서 항상 앞으로 이동 주저하지 말아야 아마도 다음, 네 영혼의 동반자입니다 , 그것이 자연스럽게 기회가 불가 피한에, 어딘가에 얼마나 사랑하기 전에 얼마나 싫어하는지 상관없이 물건을 고려 수 없습니다 다시 만날 경우에는 물론,이 또한, 원래 다음 연인을 포함, 작별, 높은 프로필을 내려 놓으세요, 서로를 알 , 미소가 친구 때문에 다시 한번 연인 될 수 그럼, 아마도 그들이보고되고, 이야기 앉아 있지만, 어떤 문제, 모두가 얼굴에 관대한 마음이어야합니다, 우리는 이렇게 많은 낯선 사람입니다 또한, 그것은 옛 애인인가? 서로 어려운 얽혀 버린 오래된 원한 못하게 해, 우리는 열정의 그림과 표지와 동일해야합니다.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Turn the table with the guests sit in a tight circle

Stove to boil, and his mother moved into the house to it. Turn the table with the guests sit in a tight circle, Natasha is only one small book in his hand, sitting in a corner of the lamp.
"In order to know why bad people's lives ..." Natasha said.
"Also, I do not why they are good," Huo Huoer interposed.
"... We should look, how they began to live ..."
"We should look, dear, we should look!" Mother side of the tea, one side alone speak.
We quieted down.
"Mom! How do you now?" Ba Weier asked, frowning.
"I?" She glanced round to you, know that we are looking at her, she embarrassed argues:
"I do not consciously say it, and on one - you should see!"
Natasha laughed, Ba Weier also grinned, Huohuo Er said:
"Thank you, Mom, thank you for tea!"
"There is no drinking on the thank you?" Mother said, and looked at his son asked:
"I am here out of the way, right?"
Natasha said:
"You are the owner, how can hinder the guests to do now?"
"So it was like a child-like piteously pleaded:
"Look, give me some tea, cold my whole body shaking, legs frozen."
"Come, come," promised the mother hastily.
Drink it with tea, Natasha loudly through the breath, flung back into braids, then start reading the small picture of the yellow belt book.

or again about two young children

He looked toward the room, while going into it, while saying:
"Good night, my friends ..."
"He is?" Mother with a hostile suspect, when she saw Natasha friendly and happy to go to he held out his hand, I felt very strange and surprising.
Thereafter, or again about two young children. One
's mother recognized his old workers Xizuo Fu's nephew, is a pointed face plate, high forehead, curly-haired boy. Another hair comb very light, looks very simple, although he is not the mother's acquaintances, but not terrible people. Finally, Ba Weier back, and with him, came two young men. She knew them, both are factory workers.
Son to her kindly and said:
"Stove has a good health? It really thank you."
"Buy some wine?" She suggested. She should know how to reward him things that she has not understood.
"No, it does not rely on!" Ba Weier smiling affectionately told her.
She suddenly felt her son intentionally exaggerated the danger of meeting is to make fun of her.
"These are dangerous people?" She asked him secretly.
"Is." Ba Weier walked into the room, he replied his mother.
"You people ah! ..." She said in a kind of sigh away his, and my heart to forgive thought: "it was a child!"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

send him a glass of vodka

Saturday night we will gather before the Xiaopu group of people has become an unwritten rule, and a weekly must-have: Sousse Lavrov, Barry Nove, Crowe Akhmetov, Mi Gong et al. They sit down and talk about the side while thinking, a few people away, but came a few people, in general, to the middle of the night before they agree to be dispersed.louis vuitton luggage 
Sometimes it happens to a few drunk Wang Zheer toss a pass, mainly represented by Veterans Marcos gold, he fights the most joy, every time aid arm, chock son, had to fight like a cock.Although he has only one eye and missing two fingers of his left hand, 

but this does not affect his hoarse hoarse to shout: "piles of Seoul. Bastard nation of Turkey to teach and I have to ask you, why do not the church ? Oh? Why? you the infidels. the bad guy and you in the end be what people? "
We teasing mockery Veterans:
"Hi. Mishka. Why do you shoot myself fingers? Is not scared by the Turks carried away Oh?"
His rage ruin the hub up your life, you grabbed his hands together, saying anything look Marcos gold has long been shouting their heads down and rolling down hills, and his mouth was also a Diesheng to mutter: "Oh help. Any death the ... "and so he was covered with dust from the ditch to climb, requires piles of Seoul to send him a glass of vodka.louis vuitton purses 

deep-set eyes was more handsome

During the day birds chirp called crazy, high-altitude spread of skylark also tenderness to the earth beautiful voice.welblog-lily blogspot blog
Festival night, the girls and young women out in force, wandering in the street, they also kept singing like a bird, face lazy, intoxicating smile.
Our Isa Stewart also smiling, is drunk Meng Meng, these days he was thin, and deep-set eyes was more handsome as handsome, like the gods. Night, he had used to sleep during the day every day, the evening was half awake, trance took to the streets.
To this end, Kuer Shi Jin brutal and friendly laugh at him. His face with a look of shame, helpless smile, said: "Hi. Never mind.
Is there any way? "
However, buckle and said excitedly:
"Overall, life is full of sweet. You do not know how much life is sentimental. Language is how refreshing. Those wonderful words, you are unforgettable death. If people can back from the dead, you will first recall these words. "
"You wait. Sooner or later those husbands will come hit you." Piles of Seoul is also kind enough to warn him. "
"Hit it, but also the fight." Isa Stewart does have a correct understanding of the sky.
The village every night one of the programs is essential that a beautiful and moving Migong loud voice, he really has singing talent. His voice accompanied by the singing nightingale, filled the village and over the Volga River.shuaiszw blogspot blog
This is something good for him, the villagers even forgave him the day of evil.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

with a pink shade of the lamp

I explain to her, this man's hands have been frozen, it should take off his clothes and went to bed.louis vuitton outlet 
"Really?" She spoke like a refreshing sound of the girl.
"Get his hands dipped in cold water ..."
She did not seem to understand my words, but with glasses, pointed to the corner of the easel, where there is a landscape, painted trees, there is a small river. Curious, I looked at the woman's face without expression, she turned toward the table and actually sat down, lit a table with a pink shade of the lamp, she nonchalantly playing with a "hearts J" card.
"You at home have vodka?" I asked aloud. She remains unmoved, continues to play her cards. I Feijin Er back back man sitting on a chair, his head pulled ride, Hong Kong and Macao have red hands hanging at the side.

 I do not know what forces are with me, I took him to the couch, took off his clothes for him.Chair behind the wall hung pictures, which seems to have a Department of white silk wreaths, silk in white written on: dedicated to unparalleled Jier Ta.
"Deuce, you tap." I gave him hand-wringing, the pain he cried.
That somehow the woman is still in the hands of playing cards, as if preoccupied look. She has a sharp nose, like the beak and a pair of big eyes. She finally raised his hands like a girl, stroking his thick fluffy as a wig-like gray hair, girl-like voice spoke up: George. Mischa you find it? "louis vuitton handbags 
The man called George pushed me, and immediately sat up and replied: "He is not going to Kiev it? ..." "Yes, he went to Kiev." She repeated again, his eyes never leave the card. I feel her voice is simple but it is indifference.
"He would come back ..."
"Of course it is true."

bolted forward and disappeared in the snowy night

Fuck. My hat, I am almost frozen to death. "
I helped him find the hat, shook the snow to his anger and worn down by the hair shaft, but he did not pass reasonable way to shaking off his hat, two countries with Russia and France, then called me: "Go. Roll. "welblog-lily blogspot blog
Then suddenly bolted forward and disappeared in the snowy night in the. I walked, I mysteriously turned around and saw him standing next to telephone pole, holding hands, no street lights of telephone pole. And solemnly said: "Lena, I was dying ... ... Oh, my Lena ..." see that he was drunk, and if I do not care him, he would freeze to death on the streets, I walked over asked where he lived.
"Here is what street you?" He said with a tearful voice, "I do not know where to go."
I grabbed his waist, dragged him forward, while constantly seeking to ask his address.
"In the Black Street ... ... where there are several bath home is ... ... ... ..." he said with a shivering voice.
He slipped askew to move forward, made me very difficult to walk, I heard him lay on the teeth in the tooth: "If you know, 'he hit lean on me, while grumbling that.
"What" "
He stopped, one hand raised, clear and even a little proud to say: "If you know where I want to take you ..." 

He put fingers in your mouth, body rocking quickly stand up. I Fu Xiashen, carrying him away, he arrived at his chin on my head kept complaining: "If you know ... I am almost frozen to death. Oh, My God ..." in the street looking for a Black long time considered to ascertain his residence. We finally climbed to the allocated units in front of a small, snow it was almost drowned out the hospital. 
We are groping in the dark before the line to the door, carefully knock on the door, he whispered to me the wrist: "Hush, little point sound ..." a woman dressed in drag to red door,shuaiszw blogspot blog
 holding the hands ofwith the candlestick, make us come in, she quietly walked away to go, I do not know where to find a long-handled glasses, carefully began my observation.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Suddenly remembered the security means

Suddenly remembered the security means, such, I think of her fine writing and deep emotions, this extraordinary woman, with their own thinking and experience the love of classical interpretation of literature, for I staged a romantic love of classical literature.
Found himself obsessed with her
​​words and insights.
Busy days in high school, eagerly learn her feelings in the light and rich nutrition, reading her text, but also in reading classical love is pure and good in reading her mind.
Although the classical-like poetry, tedious and difficult, but every time I caught them reading can get peace. Obtained from a book tranquility and relaxation is not easy, which requires the book itself is peaceful, not impulsive, and loneliness, which guide readers to ponder, to give readers a virtual reality immersion. Baptism and when the mind is completely impressed, Magnificence gone, leaving only peace will be pure.
Unfortunately, now I am not enough of peace, the heart of me so uneasy restlessness, mental fatigue I so decadent, and more want to see security means, such as the "the Bowl", I was just this series favorite, and then experience a Nalanrongruo Duochou tangled Qingsi, a genius for the lovesick, covered with bright, but come to a premature death, depression and finally, sadly, what a pity. The content of the book is vague, indifferent willing to keep his lonely heart gradually rust, even more tragic is his ah, can not be the same as Nalan relief, has been wandering in the heart of Oliver, where is the shore, and when dock?

That morning

That morning, because they have a morning shift, slightly open the door, there is a white smoke with the wind coming into the room with the door. Accompanied my walk, it also Yichanyichan of white smoke, like a white silk floated here and there, one would then scattered not any.welblog-lily blogspot blog

Memories of childhood, in the hope that the bigger the better in Wonderland-like morning mist, it can be in school, do some naughty games, the fog as a safe barrier to protect us. We enjoy laughing in the fog, enjoy opera clamor ... ... just like paradise, like the Fairchild.

Walking on the road, head fog floated, the dough, wet, and even the air we breathe is wet. Eyes are wet, to see just "front" should be a. The street is wet leaves, and occasionally slide down to a drop of water dripping.

Looked into the distance, the mist of the mountains, trees are very beautiful. The familiar village, only a faint outline in the fog, with imagination, but also vaguely remember. The distance of the Red River, and filled with clouds of white smoke, as in Wonderland Xianqi, curl from the surface of the water released into the atmosphere, and if the fairy tale in the same galaxy. Looked at the plant area, can only vaguely see the illumination light, but do not see the towering machinery and equipment, even the towering chimneys also turn a blind eye.shuaiszw blogspot blog

This foggy beauty, beautiful. Sometimes as we love the feeling when, like every other layer of yarn, there is always a desire to expose people could not bear to feel. In fact, life is sometimes the case, I am your opposite, you're next to me, and we have not met each other, never meet.
So, foggy beauty, narcissism you enjoy it. But, that was also too thick fog too, and finally, no one to see.

I read the first grade at the time

Today, attention was accidentally attracted to the half sheet of paper. In fact, this half-sheet of paper is used to temporarily record some small things on the table for a long time. When I do not intend to turn this piece of paper on the other side, they find that it turned out to be a long absence, specifically for students to practice copying spelling worksheets. Neatly written in pencil above many of the same phonetic alphabet "K", in which each row has three cells, each cell to write the same three "K". I just saw, I feel both surprised and amused, I could not help but also think of a similar school time.louis vuitton bags 
I read the first grade at the time, has experienced the stage of copying letters. At that time his classmates do not understand anything, write a bad word. Language teacher and math teacher would ask us over and over again in operation with a pencil copy of the alphabet and Arabic numerals on. We do not know what time the article, do not know what vocabulary words, only the understanding of the world's only "friend" - Hanyu Pinyin. From the "a, o, e" to "i, u, ü", a painting of each teacher to write in strict accordance with the template, description down on paper with a pencil. In order to get the teacher's positive, we each work on each of the pages, have sought to neat, perfect. First, each cell of the three phonetic alphabet, the interval must be the same, each letter has the same size as much as possible, including for each arc, we will carefully mimic the teacher's handwriting. But no matter how practice will always be careful, check out the letters written to; or two letters separated by one large and one small, like two twins to express themselves deliberately sprung up everywhere. Once the flaws, we will immediately wipe carefully with an eraser. Tu altered to change a few hours, just to write beautiful and simple phonetic alphabet. This well-intentioned, with "excellence" that the words to describe the elementary school writing job that is no exaggeration.

This is my time

So, we should be appropriate to put down the desire to resolve the smoldering heart of the trouble? So, no doubt, the Buddha is great, but supreme wisdom. He had thousands of years ago comprehending these principles, but also tried to teach the world to put aside the desire to cut off the desire to warn the world not to be too rigid, too forced. May the world have accepted his teachings, to understand the "not attached" the truth, but how many people really do it? Otherwise, the Buddhists the world so much, really, "Buddha" of the realm could be so at least ah! welblog-lily blogspot blog
Seeding the realm to achieve this is really difficult, but world not many people willing to give up these desires. In the eyes of the world, if people do not these desires, then what is the meaning of living, was shocked, "Buddha" to live is no significance to the world. Therefore, this has been hard because of the desire to pursue his own life, the blues, this has been a variety of worlds. Of course, the pursuit of desire is not too good.
As a member of mortal beings, living in the wider world where I, why the persistent pursuit of "empty" mean? Perhaps also something that comes naturally is not good! shuaiszw blogspot blog
Postscript: This is my time after school to share some reflections on Buddhism, I may not truly understand the subtleties of Buddhism, I might have the text of those ideas is not correct.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Petition and the various types of news articles

Petition, as it is called, is "to the higher of the problem and hoping to be a way to solve the problem." China's vast history, the petitioners also followed hand in hand, can be described as a long history carry on. louis vuitton outlet 

In ancient times people called "Gao Yuzhuang", "Drumming Idealists" and different titles. In feudal society, according to Han Liu's book "Huainanzi" records, during the reign of Yao, set in pre-trial "banner into the good," hopes to listen to different voices of the people, set up after the "defamation of the wood" to make whole world The common people can talk about and that the king's fault. Jin Shan Jing, defamatory wood, remonstrance of the drum called the pioneer of China's petition system is the people down a very bitter redress "to force" of the channel. Northern and Southern Dynasties period to the formation of a board heard the drum system, Chodo, the grievance may drums redress to the emperor or the central leaders, this system has been inherited and developed in the previous dynasties. Whether it's officials and the public after the petition was a matter of injustice, bureaucratic or a miscarriage of justice to be ignored, it can go "through the Chief Secretary" Drumming redress, as indeed the truth, the emperor played intrinsic cross Punishments investigated. As the Qing period, including women and children Kang "bus letter" petition has even pushed to a new dimension. Throughout the history of the petition, just like with Chinese characteristics has become the "Chinese-style petition" followed so far.
Petition and the various types of news articles can be described as voluminous, we actually had such information flattering. However, following a petition news for a lot of people have been numb, a bit nerve was struck.louis vuitton handbags 

Today is the anniversary of the death his father

Night, silent in the flowing, darkness enveloped the sky, the stars made a faint light, the reflection in the street, almost blind, and occasionally, the distant night sky with fireworks to light moment, disappeared, heart dark, I feel especially tired, the mind is still roaring, noisy yet out from the day, suddenly felt good today, long, like a long, long time, feeling very heavy, not to withdraw from the kind of pain, like a long time no verbal communication, and just talking in the heart, and his father, and himself, and the lonely night ... ... welblog-lily blogspot blog

Today is the anniversary of the death his father, three years, can not believe that, like just yesterday, it would seem a long time. Is still so clear, clear back, clear face, can not believe all this has long gone, stand the cold, the foot of the neglected cemetery has been swept along the surface dust winds, holding a black, silent tears have spread the , want to hold a good hand grip that large, pair a child has been stroking my warm hand, can be held to the cold, a thick soil barrier of the family, words are stuck in the mind, looking for familiar TV drama eyes searched the wilderness, only to see the Yellow grass, calling for a long time the father had not called, only to hear the mountains in the whine ... ...
The face of cold, memories become permanent, and pain, but from time to float, perhaps years later, everything is blurred, and that a memory had Mingxinkegu the ... ...shuaiszw blogspot blog

Saturday, June 18, 2011

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Moved 5 or 6 occasions to locate a probability to slip on leaf burning, and she do not desire to spend time and vitality to it, may as well possess the vitality to retain the king of Fu Yadian it. She started to bodily appearance for rules of method within of the palace hall, the king and queen within of the relaxation space in Athens jointly with other properties may nicely be happening.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fleeting on this watery

I remember Mr. Liang Shiqiu capabilities a notes in that lifestyle there is no discomfort even happy. This place appears simple. The common individuals are delighted to merely and quickly be classified getting a delighted element of the lives. However, complicated modern life, possibly we need to come throughout a quantity of from the factors around, the child entrance exam, you will be delighted to acquire up it? real estate shortage for years, help save only a tiny money, but just one day time desire to purchase a founded of genuine estate costs soaring, you may possibly be happy? family people member is critically ill in hospital remedies need to commit income on everything, think you getting delighted again? much more often, hearts complete of bitterness intolerable should also adhere toward the face. Survive below the weight of life, struggling from the cracks, common individuals frequently need to come throughout things. Sudden delighted with it? There, but there is only a temporary, transient. important place could be the reality that lots of sadness from the come throughout when searching for help to know to create fun, understand self-regulation. stressed out whenever you worry, consider some delighted things, whenever you understand to insist on not desperate to provide up, understand tough. since the saying goes, Ku Jin specific that it could be the truth.
Anyway, individuals need to endure in discomfort all day time lengthy soak in, then it is not live! So there will be numerous hundred many years contemplating how the Renaissance, the textbooks say individual tragicomedy, crying will be to laugh, there is joy there is suffering, it is relative, they are like a pair of twin sisters, go hand in hand.
Fleeting on this watery, my smile has steadily develop to be considered a failing smile ... ...
Homecoming, just like evening and night, evening day and night, life, beginnings and ends, we may possibly not possess the lasting they want, but we will possess the existence you want. Student, can afford to hold youthful lives, regret could possibly be the actuality that countless regrets. We are experiencing a period, after which some aftertaste, also left within your accomplish the moment.

Not lengthy ago

Not lengthy ago, just one of my divorced friends, reason: his partner went to Shenzhen using a Southerner, and in no way arrived back again head, throwing him and his daughter experienced every other. come throughout from the sudden blow, he starts just about daily on top of that to work, pursuing hold out rush there to create her mom rushed to his daughter as his only sustenance. after throughout the street, he joked, watching, getting dumped his partner to taste this way!welblog-lily blogspot blog
In a yr ago, he was not the case. When he was with his partner divorce, and sensation once the divorce of his own, he was working using a frequent significant college 1st adore tryst, dropped his partner and youngsters regardless. He and his 1st adore gluey, eachother, bent posture to lifestyle together. preferred to converse an exceptional element broken as well fast, when he tells of his 1st partner the truth, experienced a uncomplicated pull of divorce right into a sustained drama war. Informed buddies to persuade him not go need to go this step, all-year-old daughter, the few break up the shadow, to be sure that the toddler's views carved a deep wound on, the growth of potential harm than good. However, he nevertheless can be found to their senses its non-public way, but eventually failed to settle, but how the rift among the husband and partner experienced then formed, to create relatively difficult.
And to his sad 1st love, but who is most in need of treatment when he stroll out. not merely that, when he calmed straight down we ready to reside at home, his wife, pursuing that, but revenge to kill him a Parthian shot, repeat the divorce matter. that is remarkable away from all expectations. None of my buddies over in an amazingly sense, helpless. The street of life, adore from the road, who stand so frustrating? Eventually, two people, or apart from. that is sad element that he experienced not. contemplating that then, to create individuals silent, like a a range of person.shuaiszw blogspot blog
When from the stressed out person, except family people and friends, probably the most coveted than happy.

jie nodded

"It is." Hong jie nodded, vision and talking FengYun short, began to conjecture a this broad huge underground.
Because this note last successful 20-meter-high, so this map open inside not only, still no monster melts many direct refresh to the stairs. Distance of their recent monster all three meters in stair place.
The more distant a huge figure walk in darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes wandering like two lamp that was lit red lantern.
"Ok, the last time I and cloud elder sister down. Once the Boss of difficulty is small. Only it once below 5ooo HP, will rage. Not a chance, is surely will be the result of violent rampage. Now you see in the three monsters. A random attack, a high average, a high prevention of rage. And high offense will absorb the small blame, beside each absorbs a restore health. So for this 5oo..."
To WenWen: "the 20-meter-high WenWen wait you don't have to join the fight, with an Boss around the Boss to mobile fire small blame all pure, can create a many ghosts, give me my created much. Makes every effort to make a vacuum zone. And every three minutes to release a banshee scream, don't worry about small blame hatred, there will be an protect you. Hong jie, the trouble you wait multi-purpose you run more than just learning 2o level of fan shot monsters, protect WenWen pull. Then is small jade-like stone..."
"Small jade-like stone you don't mind other, a short while and I can output. Remember the hatred, we control Boss let Boss in our play ball games between three." HaoYing clap breast smile. Now she 2o level and get a wind aura, can let all his teammates mobile degrees, a 5% increase 5% increase attack degrees. Do this kind of thing unwind.
"As for you, it can be difficult to resist tsuen wan the Boss of damage. So you wait beside keep output on standby, once the Boss, you immediately lost with hatred auteurs pull it back. I with small jade-like stone will aid you." XuTing know now anti war want to top this big Boss are unlikely to agree to schedule. Next chutian
"Finally is cloud elder sister. You attack with negative minus the effect, now it has a second order dark magic integrating all the primary dark magic book. Really bad arrange your position..." In the rear FengYun on principle to Boss blessing negative constantly best, but her magic talent subtraction prevent is definitely a great addition to this battle, don't take advantage of absolute is a waste FengYun in line, but after his third, attack, and have two black 20-meter-high HaoYing inflammation dog.
"Not as well..." Chutian carefully weighed in, make a consideration FengYun arrangement.